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Despite the fact that the State of Israel respects the sanctity of the Temple Mount for Muslims, limits Jewish visitors, and even prevents the exercise of Jewish rights at the site, Muslims deny any Jewish historic and religious connection to the Temple Mount and harass Jews who visit there. In April 2016, after a request from the Palestinian Authority, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), an organization dedicated to protecting heritage and culture worldwide, handed down a decision to no longer use the term “Temple Mount,” but to only refer to the area as “Al-Aqsa.”[1]


до 1917

В периоды мамлюкского, османского и британского правления евреи на Храмовую гору не допускались[2]

1917 - 1948

Британская мандатная администрация ввела специальный орган по попечительству над святыми местами ислама на Храмовой горе — так называемый ВАКХФ, который получил фактически бесконтрольную власть над всей территорией Храмовой горы.[2]

1929, муфтий, Хеврон[3] + In the days of the Grand Mufti, the Mount was transformed into a religious-national symbol for all Muslims and became a hub of protracted national and religious conflict between the Jewish world and the State of Israel, and the Muslim world, the Arab states, and the Palestinian public.[1]

1948 - 1967

После оккупации Трансиорданией Восточного Иерусалима в ходе Арабо-израильской войны (1948—1949), руководство само-переименованной Иордании сохранило это положение; при этом, в нарушение договора о прекращении огня с Израилем, евреи не допускались не только на Храмовую гору, но и к Стене Плача.[2][4][3]

В 1951 году на пороге мечети Аль-Акса арабскими экстремистами был убит первый король Иордании Абдаллах ибн Хусейн.

после 1967

После того, как Мота Гур объявил по армейской радиосвязи: «Храмовая гора в наших руках!», над Храмовой горой был поднят израильский флаг. Однако по приказу министра обороны Моше Даяна, флаг был спущен, а полномочия ВАКХФа под протекторатом Иордании подтверждены. На Храмовую гору был открыт доступ всем желающим в отведенные дни и часы.[2][5][4]

> 1967 The Islamic Waqf manages the Temple Mount. The Israel Police are responsible for law and order on the Mount.[4]

The status quo on the Temple Mount was established in the first days after the Six-Day War, but over the years it has undergone many changes

The Status Quo in 1967: The Arrangement and Its Components

Prominent Changes in the Status Quo 1. Restrictions on Visits by Jews

    • Prominent Changes in the Status Quo

2. Expansion of Muslim Prayer Areas

    • Primary Reasons for the Change

3. The Suspension of Enforcement of Planning, Construction and Antiquities Laws

4. The Inclusion of Jordan in the Administration of the Temple Mount

  • Expressions of the Growing Status of Jordan
  • Agreements with Jordan on the Temple Mount Issue

– Ongoing Disagreement regarding the Installation of Security Cameras56

– The Reasons behind Israeli Consent to Upgrade Jordan’s Standing58

5. The Prohibition on Raising Flags on the Temple Mount

Additional Processes Affecting the Status Quo

    • Unlike the past, today Muslims define “al-Aqsa” not solely as the mosque that bears that name; they use the term to define the entire area of the Temple Mount, its open areas and walls, including the Western Wall.70 и т.д.

Conclusions !!! [1]

1969 Australian Christian Michael Denis William Rohan, the PA TV documentary falsely presented Rohan as a "Jewish terrorist", and went on to claim (equally falsely) that "the fire was planned by senior Jews of high position."[3]

1993: после подписания соглашений в Осло, управление ВАКХФом перешло от Иордании к Палестинской автономии. С этого времени работники ВАКХФа, под видом ремонтно-строительных работ, систематически уничтожают археологические ценности — следы еврейского присутствия на Храмовой горе; одновременно мусульманские проповедники беспрепятственно занимаются антиизраильской пропагандой и прямым подстрекательством к насилию. Их заявления, отрицающие факт существования иудейского Храма на Храмовой горе, стали общим местом.

Сентябрь 1996 г.:

Евреям и другим не мусульманам разрешается посещение части Храмовой горы в опр. дни и часы без права молиться на ней и посещения мечети Аль-Акса -Bphfbkmnzyt[3]

2000 - In the years 2000-2003, immediately after the visit of then-opposition leader Ariel Sharon on the Mount, the Waqf closed the Temple Mount to visits by Jews. During that time, Israel refrained from forcing the Waqf to allow visits by Jews.[1]

Сейчас: Hundreds of rabbis from the national religious stream now approve/endorse Jews entering the Temple Mount. As a result, more Jews are requesting to act on the right given them under the status quo set by Dayan and visit the Temple Mount.

The number of Jews who annually sought to go up on the Mount did not exceed 15,000, while each year hundreds of thousands of Muslims visited there.81[1]

2015 In past statements, Abbas has announced that "all means must be used to prevent Jews from going up to the Haram (i.e. Temple Mount)." He called Jewish visitors to their holiest site a "herd." In the past, Abbas has disseminated lies, claiming that Israel is attacking the al-Aqsa mosque and that Jews are "desecrating" it. He has chosen to follow the path of his predecessor, Yasser Arafat, and deny the existence of the Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount.[3]

С начала «второй интифады» в сентябре 2000 г., по указанию израильского правительства, вход на Храмовую гору для немусульман был прекращен (до середины 2003 г., когда положение несколько нормализовалось).[2]


the al-Aqsa mosque was transformed, in practice, into a base for repeated attacks on non-Muslim visitors to the Temple Mount and Israeli police who sought to protect the visitors. Rocks and firebombs were thrown and fireworks were aimed directly at the police and the visitors from within the mosque. Behind barricaded entrances, the mosque itself was transformed into a storehouse of weapons and a shelter for the rampaging mob
After four months of severe violence and in the face of intelligence that large reserves of weapons had been hidden in the mosque for use in a broad-scale attack on visitors and police on the Temple Mount, on November 5, 2014, police entered the mosque and confiscated dozens of racks of firework-launching tubes and caches of rocks and firebombs, and arrested the rioters.17
This incitement, and the riots it set in motion, led Israel to severely curtail the entrance of Jews to the Temple Mount, and more than once the entrance of Jews was blocked entirely. Such a step was a breach of the declared policy of the Government of Israel and even a breach of the Protection of Holy Places Law (1967) that ensures freedom of access to all holy places in Israel. The tensions surrounding the Temple Mount reached a peak on October 29, 2014, with the attempt to assassinate Yehuda Glick, a prominent advocate of the right of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. Days later, against the backdrop of further turmoil and clashes on the Temple Mount, Jordan announced that it was recalling its ambassador to Israel for consultations and was even re-examining its 1994 peace treaty with Israel against the backdrop of what Jordan labeled “Israel’s aggression in the holy places to Islam in Jerusalem.”



Дори Гольд: Своим заявлением, будто "грязные ноги" еврейских посетителей Храмовой горы оскверняют ее, Махмуд Аббас четко разъяснил, на чьей стороне он выступает в этом конфликте".[6]

  • Forty-nine years after the establishment of the status quo on the Temple Mount, realities on the Mount have changed dramatically. Main elements of the status quo are no longer in force. From many standpoints, the status quo of 1967 formulated by then- Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan is dead.
  • Realties on the ground have replaced the old status quo while greatly enhancing the status of Muslims on the Temple Mount and their control over the compound, compared to arrangements crystallized immediately after the Six-Day War. This reality has deeply eroded the status of Jews and the State of Israel on the Temple Mount.
  • The most prominent element that remains unchanged from the 1967 status quo is the prohibition on prayer by Jews anywhere on the Mount. The State of Israel has declared repeatedly that it intends to adhere to this policy.
  • The status of Jordan on the Temple Mount has been greatly upgraded since 2000 as a result of understandings, agreements, and interests, as will be discussed. Jordan has become an open partner with Israel in administering the Temple Mount.
  • The status of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel on the Temple Mount has undergone ups and downs. The Northern Branch greatly influenced realities on the Temple Mount at the end of the 1990s, at the outset of the millennium, and since 2010. However, its influence on the Mount has been substantially diminished following the outlawing of the Northern Branch at the end of 2015.



  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 Nadav Shragai. Protecting the Status of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. jcpa.org (May 5, 2016).
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 Статья «Храмовая гора» в Электронной еврейской энциклопедии
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 The Temple Mount: Background. mfa.gov.il (16 Sep 2015).
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Behind the Headlines: Jerusalem's Temple Mount. mfa.gov.il (17 Nov 2014). — «After Jerusalem's reunification in 1967, Israel's leadership chose to uphold the existing status quo on the Temple Mount. Out of respect for Muslim sensibilities, it allowed the Islamic Waqf to continue to administer the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism.»
  5. Владимир Бейдер. Арабский меловой круг: о событиях вокруг Храмовой горы. vesty.co.il (20.07.17).
  6. Дори Гольд. Лидер палестинской автономии во главе кампании антисемитского подстрекательства. mfa.gov.il (18.09.2015).